Codes & Inspections Department
Codes & Inspections Department
Codes & Inspections Department
1301 12th Street, Suite 103, Altoona, PA 16601
Phone: 814-949-2456 Fax: 814-949-2203
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
Customer Service from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Telephones answer until 4:30 PM
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Code Enforcement Officers
The Codes & Inspections Department administers the Uniform Construction Code in the City of Altoona through building inspections, property maintenance inspections, and rental inspections.
Through daily routine inspections, the Code Enforcement Officers identify issues relating to property maintenance violations. The goal is to not only assist residents in identifying property maintenance issues, but to emphasize the importance of improving the quality of life by preventing such conditions through community efforts.
Inspections are conducted for all work that requires a permit. Residential building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing inspections, and plan reviews are conducted by the City's Inspector. Commercial inspections and plan reviews are conducted by a contracted inspection agency. Rental inspections are conducted by the Codes & Inspections Department.