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Public Works Department

Public Works Department

Nate Kissell
Direct Phone:
Kevin Bechtel
Highway Superintendent
Direct Phone:
Samantha Rogers
Engineering Office Supervisor
Direct Phone:
Rob Crossman
Engineering Supervisor
Direct Phone:
Steve Ocker
Right of Way Supervisor
Direct Phone:
Kevin Bechtel
Electrical/Signal Foreman
Direct Phone:
Caleb Cox
Engineering Assistant/Inspector
Direct Phone:
Engineering Technician
Direct Phone:
Jasyn Reid
Engineering Technician
Direct Phone:
Ray Burley
Clerical Associate III
Direct Phone:
Stacey Delfosse
Clerical Associate I
Direct Phone:

The Public Works Department of the City of Altoona is dedicated to providing customer-friendly service while preserving and improving the City's infrastructure by resurfacing streets, maintaining City park facilities and improving the public right-of-way. It consists of three interconnected divisions: Engineering, Electrical, and Highways. Working together, these divisions manage activities spread over three hundred and sixty lane miles of road within the City limits.

Public Works Divisions


The Engineering Division is responsible for the review and approval of construction plans including, but not limited to, storm water, site lighting, signage involving public right of way, site work, floodplain, demolition, and driveways. Additionally, they review sewer cap inspections, coordinate street vacations, inspect the installation of storm water systems and BMP’s, post construction site inspections, employee training and reporting for our PADEP MS-4 Program, and assist customers with survey information. Almost all construction designs and inspections are done in house.


The Electrical Division is primarily responsible for the maintenance of over 1,800 street lights, 73 traffic signals, 20 school crossing assemblies, and all of the lighting on the City’s crossovers. Additionally, the Division also is responsible for the majority of electrical work at all of the City parks and facilities, installs and removes holiday and celebratory banners and decorations within the downtown area, and is responsible for all underground 811 reporting within the City. The Division has an operational agreement with Logan Township to maintain 37 traffic signals at various locations bordering Altoona.


The Highway Division is primarily responsible for the summer and winter maintenance of the City’s 360 lane miles of street. For the majority of the spring, summer and fall seasons, the Division is divided into sub-divisions: Street Cuts, Inlets and Drainage, General Maintenance, Signs and Paint, and Fleet. For winter, the Division operates on double shifts to treat roads within the City limits as well as some PennDOT roads under municipal agreement.

Other duties include: scheduled bagged leaf and brush removal for City residents, pipe, storm sewer, and street cleaning, as well as garbage removal at all City-owned parks and facilities, including downtown areas.

The Fleet Division is responsible for the maintenance of over 250 City vehicles including Highway, Codes & Inspections, Police and Fire.